When building a team, and especially selecting individuals for leadership positions, having a variety of perspectives and backgrounds helps foster more insight and innovation. We find that many Paschal•Murray clients are seeking to diversify their workforce because they value equity and understand the benefits for organizational culture and performance. Our firm is committed to helping each client identify and engage potential applicants of differing identities and experiences. We intentionally work to include as many minority professionals as possible in our database by seeking out sources that promote the career development of women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and others. When identifying an initial slate of candidates for a client, Paschal•Murray strives to ensure diverse representation in the pool, so an array of options is available from the beginning. We recognize that clients are balancing a range of considerations in the hiring process. Paschal•Murray supports equitable human resource practices and works to promote the ever-growing field of talented minority candidates.